recruitment statistics

Why are recruitment statistics important? Besides the fact that they keep us informed and help us guide our recruiting efforts, they can be powerful tools to improve.

In this statistics representation, we showed in numbers how easy/ hard it is to fill a position in the year 2018. Do you know what passive job seekers are? The following data will be of much help if you do a little research on how to direct your efforts when searching for talent. And the last item in our figures is related to the number of companies that promotes talent within the organization.

U.S. employers encounter difficulties when they want to fill new job openings. The statistics tell us that 50% of U.S. employers reported that it is taking them longer to fill jobs today compared to any other period of time. This trend in human resource speaks about who has the upper hand when it comes to recruiting.

Job seekers hold the strongest influence on the job market. Some decide to pursue jobs based on long-term personal objectives and others will hop from one job to another based on salary alone.
In their search of the best talent, recruiters also need to consider candidates who are not actively searching for a job. According to the statistics, 73% of candidates are passive job seekers.

This turns out to be difficult for recruiters because passive candidates are not looking for new job opportunities since there’s typically a good reason: they are competent workers and they are happy with their current role. Convincing them to hop jobs might be difficult.
But there are also more optimistic statistics. For example, 79% of organizations are focusing their efforts towards building and promoting their own talent from within, meanwhile only half are recruiting from the external labor pools. Hiring from within their own organizations comes with numerous benefits for employers because it saves up on time and not to mention money. This is an ideal way for organizations to retain talent and to grow organically.


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