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HR automation

Automation in HR Processes

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In the age of the digital revolution one if not the only thing necessary to survive is the ability to adapt by digitizing your services. If you adapt, the outcome will be more than mere survival and chances are that if you do things right, you will actually thrive. In the recruitment field, this translates to the automation of processes which is desirable because it entails scalability which is the basis for any profitable business nowadays.

Things are barely paper-based anymore and thus HR service providers must employ next-generation automation technologies that eliminate common time-consuming situations that HR professionals encounter. HR automation software can also dramatically transform HR departments by compressing HR specific processes, making HR functionalities more efficient and effective and not to mention that proficient employees can use their talents in more meaningful ways.

HR automation is the process of enhancing the efficiency of the HR department by freeing employees from manual tasks that are often considered tedious. This approach to doing HR allows the staff to focus on complex tasks like decision making, employee interactions, and strategizing.

Employees liberated with the help of robotic process automation (or RPA technology) from repetitive, mechanical tasks will deliver better customer service because of more consistent process execution. The more elements of the hiring process are automated with AI and machine learning capabilities the more routine tasks are eliminated from the employee’s tasks thus changing the quality of the work for the better. All the while, automation ensures that the recruitment process is compliant with regulations.

There is also an abundance of data that can be stored across HR processes. And on data stored in a convenient form, various operations can be performed. HR management can harness the benefits of automated data analysis such as speed and error-proof analysis. This does not mean that creativity does not have its place in the whole recruiting process. However, creative workers have the means now to reduce the impact of their biases and deliver better and more productive outcomes.

In other words, the essential benefit of automation in recruiting: cost-effective strategies that assure better recruitment services. In the recruitment business, just as in any other business, doing things that scale matter. And thus, scalability that brings in results, can be achieved through automated HR processes.

One trend that saves companies money within their human resources department is the use of enterprise content management software. This is possible because human resource jobs are document and form-driven thus making the combination of HCM software with HR automation very efficient. The software is used to import documents into digital repositories, to organize imported documents so that they are searchable and retrievable, to store files in standard formats for sharing to multiple devices, to archive records, or to make audits simpler by making it easier to gather information. All this information stored in digital format can be efficiently handled through HR automation by automating routine tasks, by creating and updating data thus making different workflows available to different users on-demand and when needed in a timely manner, or by influencing the company’s communication system. This goes to show that any business can benefit from HR automation when applied to repetitive processes.

At a deeper level of analysis, HR automation has trends within itself. In 2019, multiple surveys and studies highlight 6 important trends in this regard. First of all, HR Automation is spurring job change in HR departments but not job losses as many fear. As AI-driven software is implemented, people can shift their attention and focus on more valuable HR work. Another change in HR automation is the cost. Bots are decreasing in cost and becoming more and more accessible to companies. Moreover, companies adopted AI-powered chatbots to be an interface with applicants, screening them or helping them with the application process. HR automation was also used increasingly in employee testing and training. Through HR automation employees had better access to training materials as they were delivered when needed. Automation and AI are also being used to diminish unconscious bias within HR for example in the hiring process and internal promotions. Another way automation is already being useful reflects in the improved communications between HR and employees, particularly for younger workers who demand more real-time feedback.

HR departments urgently need an idea of how technology will – perhaps more radically and suddenly than ever before – shape the future of work, especially automation. There is a wide range of projections and predictions about just how profound these changes will be. And the role that HR will need to play will differ according to which one comes to pass. But one thing is certain, HR professionals and their organizations cannot afford to say no to HR automation. A recent study conducted by the Oxford Martin Programme on Technology and Employment at the University of Oxford has shown that 64 percent of those surveyed fear that automation will lead to significant challenges for future labor markets. According to a 2015 CSIRO report, more than 40 percent of the Australian workforce (a staggering number of 5 million people) could actually be replaced by automation in the next 10 to 20 years.

It is easy to assume that people in the recruitment industry fear that human resource automation technologies could disrupt the way things are done, with negative outcomes. Realistically, the most immediately urgent role of HR professionals seems to be around minimizing employer-employee tensions around possible job losses. Employees need to understand that an automated HR future must not scare away employees because if history is to repeat itself, the jobs created could be better than the ones destroyed.

Reach out to us to learn more.

technology in recruiting

Technology in Recruiting – save time and Money Without Losing the Human Touch

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While technology continues to advance, companies will have to keep the human touch, in regards to the workplace. Finding and retaining the right talent depends on many key factors. Those factors include: finding a candidate that matches the company culture, using the right platform to find those candidates, and keeping up with technological advances, in regards to recruiting.

Which Recruiting Company Will Find for you the Right Talent?

Many recruiting companies offer different types of deals and platforms to find candidates. Some will send you resumes to sort through, some will narrow down your search, and others will use both technology and holistic approaches to find the right candidate. It’s important to take this into account when deciding which company to use. Would you like a short term employee or long term? Would you like to spend time interviewing or have a recruiting company do that legwork for you? How vast is that company’s lens in regards to finding candidates? You have to consider all these questions.

What Types of Technological Resources do Recruiting Companies Have?

There are many different types of websites and software programs that recruiting companies can utilize to reach out to candidates. SourceMatch uses these sources, not just one, to find the best candidates for a certain role. After that, SourceMatch provides even more assessments, to learn about this candidate. We offer skills assessments as well as behavior-based assessments. Using these tools, SourceMatch aligns the top candidates to your company’s open role. We take pride in matching a workplace culture to an applicant’s style of working.

How Does Big Data Play a Role?

Big data plays a role in a company’s hiring process. According to entrepreneur.com: “Earlier, companies had little to guide them on a potential applicant’s future flight risk other than gut feeling. Now, tools integrated with artificial intelligence (AI) and deep analytic capabilities can parse the data on your company’s current employees — including their prior experiences, skills and latest achievements — to learn what good candidates look like based on past hiring decisions. In addition to your own enterprise data, AI can look at data from across the industry to build a profile that can then be applied to cull resumes, screen candidates based on warning signs, and grade and rank a shortlist of qualified candidates for each job opening.” Technology is very much integrated into recruiting. At SourceMatch, we actually use a unique combination of technology and workplace culture matches. We identify each client’s needs and work together to assess and identify the best talent.

Understanding How Culture and Technology Work Together in Recruiting

We incorporate culture and technology in recruiting practices. It takes a balance of knowing the advancing technologies available, and how to incorporate those while recruiting. According to forbes.com: “When newly hired executives leave after a relatively short period of time, the reason is rarely that they lacked the technical skills to deliver on the job. More often, it’s because they struggled to form relationships within the company or lacked cultural compatibility.” That being said, knowing your clients and staying up to date with current technology, can benefit both recruiters and employers. Recruiters can utilize social media and other recruiting platforms, while also getting to know more about their clients and candidates. This allows for the correct “pairing” of the candidate with the client’s organization.

How Social Media can Help the Recruiting Process

Many recruiters have seen the benefits of using social media to find candidates. You can learn about communication and personality, as well as some work history (if listed). You have people sharing job openings through social media as well as recruiters reaching out to candidates via social media. According to entrepreneur.com: “Employers from different industries have reported over 30% increase in the referral candidate counts via social media recruiting techniques. Industry recruiters have always preferred the candidates referred by existing employees, and social media helps them engage in referral recruitment easily.”

The Pros and Cons of an Automated Hiring Process

Technology can make the hiring process more effective for both candidates and recruiters. Candidates can now search and apply for many jobs rather than filling out applications and dropping them off at the front desk. This benefits candidates and employers in regards to saving time, but it can take away from the “human” interaction aspects. Technology can also help “weed” out incorrect candidates at a much faster rate, leading recruiters to the best candidates, sooner. On the other hand, keeping a more personal, human approach helps both recruiters and candidates find the best job. A person may look good on paper, but that person may not fit in the work culture of a certain position or workplace. Knowing both the personality of the candidates, as well as the culture of the workplace, give recruiters the ultimate advantage.

Keeping the Human Touch in Recruiting

To keep a human approach in recruiting, companies can either hire internally, use personality assessments, or reach out to recruiting companies that use more than AI. Hiring internally gives employees and employers opportunities for growth. Employees know that there is room for growth and employers have the time to learn about their employees. Using personality assessments gives employees and employers knowledge about where they fit in the company work culture. This can boost employee and employer confidence in job roles and relations. Using a recruiting partner, companies can learn about new models of finding the right candidates and fix any retention related issues. This is great for companies that have noticed human or workplace-related concerns, along with high turnover.

Future of jobs Infographic – Series Industry – Aviation, Travel and Tourism

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Technology changes the way you travel and therefore understanding the adoption of technology is a must in the Aviation, Travel & Tourism industry. According to the World Economic Forum’s Report, among the trends driving growth across industries over the 2018–2022 period, advances in mobile internet are likely to have a distinct impact in this industry and at the same time, according to the same Report, the growth potential of new technological expansion influences the labor market in this industry, as it reshapes skill gaps. But for technology to work its magic, it needs to be properly managed, and the barriers to technology adoption must be properly understood.

Thanks to advances in Artificial Intelligence, automation has already happened in the back end of travel. The digital advancements in the Aviation Travel & Tourism industry have also repercussions on the skills demanded from the workforce. The World Economic Forum’s report has outlined the fact that in this industry there will be a huge demand for reskilling as 68% of its workforce will require some form of adaptive training. Further, companies in this industry project that 18% of the workforce will require reskilling lasting more than one year. According to the report, the solution to the skills gap will be in the hands of local educational institutions. Fortunately, industry leaders are acknowledging this as they ranked education institutions as their third-most important support structure in the closing of the skill gap.

In conclusion, digital technological advancements are setting the pace for global labor market change in the Aviation, Travel & Tourism industry and that pace is fast. An outlook of the labor market of this industry provided a better understanding of the potential of new technologies and it showed us how the technological advancements improve current educational demands around anticipated skill requirements. The report highlighted the fact that work tasks are shifting and therefore the requirements of the roles performed by individuals in the workplace in 2022 need to consider that employees have to be trained and retrained.

First, let’s look at the way technology adoption can affect the Aviation, Travel and Tourism industry. A huge share of survey respondents from the industry indicated that, by 2022, their company was “likely” or “very likely” (on a 5-point scale) to have adopted new technology as part of its growth strategy.

Second, if we look at the barriers to adoption of new technologies, we can see the five biggest perceived barriers to the implementation of new technologies across the industry, as ranked by the share of survey respondents. The following graphic will show you which were the obstacles that were selected by the surveyed people that were perceived as impediments to successful new technology adoption faced by their company.

Thirdly we have the expected impact of new technology adoption on the workforce. In the following graphic one can see the percentages representing the share of survey respondents from the industry who expect their company to have adopted the stated measure(s) over the 2018–2022 period as part of their current growth strategy.

Technological advancements are very likely to present real challenges to existing business models and practices. But hopefully, in the next years, these dynamic changes, whether they are disruptive or constructive will be the exact reason why new opportunities of growth appear.


Future of jobs Infographic – Industry series – Automotive, Aerospace, Supply Chain & Transport

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Sifting through the huge volume of data that the internet provides can be exhausting. This may be especially true if you are not specialized in a certain field, but your job is tangent on different high-tech fields. So here you have curated findings that you can use as practical information for decision-making whether you are an expert from academia, a businessman, a government official or a proud member of the civil society. The following highlights will provide you with deep granularity for the Automotive, Aerospace, Supply Chain & Transport industry.

As companies in this field plan to adopt new technologies as part of their growth strategy, they find themselves wondering what type of technologies should they choose? While trying to implement new technologies another important stumbling block that these companies encounter is the havoc of disruption they bring about. 

So here are three aspects tackled for you. They will show you how the Automotive, Aerospace, Supply Chain & Transport industries are affected by new technology adoption, they will indicate the barriers there are to the adoption of new technologies, and they will summarize the impact of new technologies on the workforce.

First, let’s look at the way technology adoption can affect the Automotive, Aerospace, Supply Chain & Transport industry. A huge share of survey respondents from the industry indicated that, by 2022, their company was “likely” or “very likely” (on a 5-point scale) to have adopted new technology as part of its growth strategy.

Secondly, if we look at the barriers to adoption of new technologies, we can see the five biggest perceived barriers to the implementation of new technologies across the industry, as ranked by the share of survey respondents. The following graphic will show you which were the obstacles that were selected by the surveyed people that were perceived as impediments to successful new technology adoption faced by their company.

Thirdly we have the expected impact of new technology adoption on the workforce. In the following graphic, you can see the percentages representing the share of survey respondents from the industry who expect their company to have adopted the stated measure(s) over the 2018–2022 period as part of their current growth strategy.

Technological advancements are very likely to present real challenges to existing business models and practices. But hopefully, in the next years, these dynamic changes, whether they are disruptive or constructive will be the exact reason why new opportunities of growth appear.


future of jobs statistics

Future of jobs Statistics

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Technology and impact on the workforce

We have already noticed changes in the workforce due to Automation and Artificial Intelligence.
Business leaders and policymakers can move forward and grow by understanding these shifts that change the fundamental nature of work.

Robert Solow argues in his publication: “A contribution to the theory of economic growth, Quarterly Journal of Economics”, that most of the increases in human living standards come from improved productivity. New technologies and new techniques of production and distribution lead to productivity growth.

So what does advanced technology promise? Higher productivity, which leads to economic growth, safety, reduced human error – as a result of efficiency, and the list can go on.

Does workforce automation result in job losses? The real value is brought by the affirmation: Jobs lost, jobs gained. Automation holds the promise of improving many jobs — and creating new, more satisfying ones. Let’s try and look at the bright side: AI and automation can reduce the workload of repetitive, tiresome tasks, allowing us to focus on the human’s part of work that we need for our brains to work more effectively and creatively.

What do statistics say when it comes to existing work tasks? Let’s take a look at the data below, based on a report that covers 12 industries.

We see a decrease in the number of hours performed by humans during this period of time: 2018 – 2022. This is when machines replace an additional 13% of human work.

Ravin Jesuthasan and John Boudreau argue in an article from SHRM.org that we should: “Start with the work, not the “job” or the technology. Much work will continue to exist as traditional “jobs” in organizations, but automation makes traditional jobs more fluid and an increasing amount of work will occur outside the traditional boundaries of a “job”.”

How did Automation and Artificial Intelligence influence your industry, business, and processes so far? Leave us a comment below.



What’s the Biggest Problem Modern Recruiters face?

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One can say that the greatest challenge for recruiters is staying human in an era of lightning-fast technology.

If until a few years back we could still hope to build relationships with candidates and client organizations, and act as that educated advisor (at best) for both candidates and clients, today things are changing fast. Speed has taken the steering wheel of recruiting over careful consideration of all factors that can make a professional success in the job and organization they are considering and vice versa.

Dehumanizing the whole process leads to superficial hiring and disaster (whether organizations like to admit it or not) just months after the hiring decision has been made. The later can take many forms but here are just a few: the disappointment when new hires understand that everyone involved in the process made a rushed decision, the lack of engagement and creativity pursuant to that reality check, and finally, a decision to start looking for another employer from that point on or in other cases just staying complacent (pick your own worst-case scenario!).

On the one hand, as recruiting specialists, we need to educate our clients about the risks of moving too fast (i.e. just bodies in placeholders), and on the other, consult candidates so that they are equipped to make a sound decision (i.e. right career move).

So, let’s go through some challenges of the recruiting process.

Every Recruiting Journey Starts with the First Step: Effective Sourcing

First of all, let’s look at the recruitment screening process. According to talentnow.com, 52% of talent acquisition leaders say the hardest part of recruitment is screening candidates from a large applicant pool. 

Of course, there are best practices for sourcing. These include working with a high-performance sourcing team that finds and qualifies new candidates. But recruiters need to build a pipeline for assessing the talent pool. They have to have a strategy in place and if that strategy is not properly implemented it is easy to waste time. Imagine if the job requirements are not properly analyzed or the candidate persona isn’t correctly defined. The search may go in a different direction than what is needed. Moreover, if the recruiters don’t know the tricks of the trade, the ATS (applicant tracking system) will be a lost gold mine.

For instance, not many sourcing analysts know they should start every search with the previously interested candidates who applied in the past thus using their existing database before going out in the digital world to start their search.

Following this line of thought, attracting the identified and desired candidates is not just another hurdle recruiters nowadays face. According to various recruitment statistics, attracting top-quality candidates is the biggest challenge of recruiters, period. It is one thing that 82% of Fortune 500 executives don’t believe that their companies recruit highly talented people. When becoming aware that 54% of employers currently have positions for which they can’t find qualified candidates, it’s clear that recruitment is no kids’ play. Still, in the world of high-quality recruitment services, the failure to attract talented candidates is not an option. The solution lies in making the candidate’s journey about them, and then in the recruitment processes that are constantly revised and renewed and therefore adapting and evolving.

Keep the Candidates’ Interest in Mind

Another challenge is keeping the balance between how aggressively you present the opportunity to potential candidate’s and what they want for their career. The key term is “potential”. When we talk to candidates we don’t want to assume they’re (by default) interested. Rather, start your discussion with a candidate by asking if it’s the right time to make a career change. We need to care about his/her plans since that determines if it makes any sense to even talk about a job opening. Fellow recruiters would you like it if somebody reached out to you and started telling you about an opportunity without any considering for YOUR plans? We are working with living and breathing human beings and if we don’t care we don’t have any place in this line of business.

The Interview is also the Candidate’s Interview for Your Company

What comes after candidates engage with recruiters? An interview. Another challenge recruiters face is the hurdle of developing an interview structure that’s interesting enough for candidates who applied for that role. The recruitment process must be a professional and positive experience for your prospective candidate. If you are a recruitment firm, the recruitment process must be highly attractive to your client as well. The point is that regardless of the industry you are navigating through, the job market you are sailing or the candidates pool you are choosing from, your recruitment process must be top-notch and offer a convincing experience for your clients and for your prospective hires. When the recruiters have sourced candidates and then interviewed the interested ones, the recruitment project managers make sure of two important things. First, they build an interview that highlights technical and behavioral skills that are needed to meet the job requirements. Second, they conduct the interview professionally. The first one is to please the client and the second one is to motivate the candidate. Either way, quality is key. Interviews are the perfect opportunity to show candidates what they can expect from your organization down the line.

Build a relationship

The interview leads to the next difficulty, which is maintaining the candidates interested while the hiring manager interviews and chooses the one that best fits the opening. Although you want to recruit a candidate as soon as possible, you don’t want to compromise, and only want to hire the best talent possible, and that usually takes time. This means that when someone is selected for an interview with the hiring manager, he or she must wait for weeks until other candidates are interviewed as well. During this time, the recruitment project manager makes sure to stay in touch with all of the viable candidates to build rapport with them, keep them interested and engaged.

Problem: “Ghosting” is a phenomenon in which job candidates schedule an interview but fail to show up, or they get hired but don’t report to work – without so much as a phone call. It may be hard to rationalize such bad behavior, but human resource professionals say it could be candidates’ way of paying employers back for their indifference during the recession. Jobs were so scarce that companies often received hundreds of applications for a single job, but many failed to acknowledge the time candidates took to apply.

Candidates who are not a fit for the role will still want to hear back from you about where they stand. Don’t ignore them. They need to be handled with care because although they were not selected, they are candidates who could be a great hire for future openings. Recruiters need not be biased by their lack of time and get back to the candidates making sure they are appreciated not only for their qualifications and experiences but also for the time they invested in the recruitment process.

In conclusion, when recruiters face challenges it not only affects them but the entire recruiting process, and thus their clients and candidates. But when challenges are identified they can be transformed into learning and development opportunities. At SourceMatch, recruiters are in a constant process of improving themselves as they strive for the best outcomes. Feel free to check it out here.