Why It’s Important
Talent mapping is a helpful strategy for companies to use, to better align short and long term goals. By using talent mapping, companies assess, evaluate, and review their current staff, to better prepare for the future. This technique, charts individuals’ skills, and abilities, vets their performance and potential and matches them with workforce planning strategies to balance an organization’s talent and needs. Talent mapping can enable an organization to determine strategies for future hiring, including internal promotions, short- and long-term hiring needs, and development of existing talent to meet future staffing needs.
It is a proactive approach for employee planning, both in the short and long term.
Planning Ahead
By planning ahead, companies create a culture of security for employees as well as stakeholders. If plan A doesn’t pan out, then plan B might be the better choice. This gives employees and management a safety net, in regards to future options. As the quote says “if you don’t know where you are going, any path will get you there.” Having a plan better prepares everyone for special circumstances that may arise, creating a more secure stance towards problem-solving.
Important Goals and Input From Employees
Companies must communicate short and long term goals with employees. These goals include specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely; or S.M.A.R.T goals. Employees need to know how to stay on track and achieve milestones, which increases motivation. Company goals should be realistic and attainable. To reinforce goals, companies must allow and give all employees a voice for input. Gaining employee input can increase the sense of ownership and satisfaction in their roles in the company
Short Term Employee Goals
Training staff in the short term requires knowing your staff’s strengths and areas for growth. It’s highly recommended to focus on their strengths and allow employee input, into areas for their training and how they would like to obtain their short term goals. Short term could be a week or a month but would focus on what goals he or she would like to accomplish during that time, and in what capacity the employer can offer assistance.
Short Term Company Goals
What are your company’s short term goals? Are there any special projects coming up? Where will your company’s needs be, in order to fill in any gaps for short term projects? Are you set up for success with short term projects? Where does your company need assistance or shifting of roles for any of these projects? This could be in regards to a new client. You will need a plan and employee assistance with any new projects.
Medium Term
Where do your employees see themselves in the medium term? What strengths and goals do they have or how do they want to learn and grow? Are you utilizing all of your talent accordingly? By discussing goals with employees, and mapping a plan, you can create a culture of growth. You can also assess any gaps that may arise. If employee A wants to learn more about accounting, and employee B wants to learn more about marketing, you may notice a gap, that they leave behind. Do you have employees who want to fill those gaps? You will need assistance in filling in those gaps; SourceMatch specializes in talent mapping and consulting.
Long Term
What are your company’s long term goals? What do you foresee in regards to upcoming projects in the next 6 months to a year or beyond? What do your stakeholders expect to see during that time? You will need to plan and to fill any gaps in jobs, either using current employees or recruiting new ones. Discussing long term goals with employees, better prepares your company for any future vacancies or promotions. With this discussion of personal and professional goals, you motivate employees and provide positive reinforcement to the company’s value system or culture. By having a company-wide discussion and allowing employee input, this will boost confidence and allow for employees and employers to stay continuously up to date with any corporate changes.
Finding the Gaps
To find the short and long term gaps, companies need to create or have a plan. You can reach out to consultants such as SourceMatch, to better assist in this process. We have refined the talent mapping approach, to better serve our clients. The benefits of this are many. Companies who utilize this plan find that they save money, time, and resources. When an employee changes a position or gets promoted, you will have a new spot to fill. This happens quite often and causes a disturbance in daily operations. You can decrease the impact this may have, by consulting with our staff for solutions.
To find and fill in the gaps, we plan accordingly. Using talent mapping, we find and fill in the present and future open positions. By consulting with employees, companies can verify gaps using a map-based system, based on employee strengths and goals. This requires input from your staff and managers, as well as constant feedback and open communication. Some employees may discover they prefer a certain job duty over others or might be more skilled in one area vs. another.
Attainable Company Goals
Companies need to have and share attainable goals, with employees. Companies make goals with management and operations, but they should also create goals with entry-level employees as well. This allows for employee retention and motivates employees to achieve goals within the company as well as achieve their own personal and professional goals. By setting your company goals to be attainable, you inform and inspire your staff to stay on board.
This takes engaging your employees to help reach the company’s destination, where employees will take appropriate risks and act in the best interest of the organization. You will need to clearly define the company goals, measure those, and provide metrics that are relatable. For example, you can share goals for improving customer service or satisfaction, retention, response time, new product ideas, or allow time for improvement ideas that employees may have. You will also want to set your employees up for success, based on these goals. You will do this by providing clarity, appropriate resources, information, skills, motivation, and training. Managers will also need to give plenty of feedback and recognition. Things like this can get lost in the day to day workings, but if you acknowledge efforts, you will have a motivated employee. Take and listen to what your employees say, monitor it, and adhere to the organization’s values for performance. You can create a level of trust and support, which can guide and grow your company. Utilizing this style of engagement and talent mapping, will create a successful atmosphere and work culture, for your organization.
Today’s workplace is continuously changing. By utilizing and staying up to date with your talent map, your workplace can obtain goals, both professional and personal, to guide and prepare for the next steps.
Reach out to us to learn more.
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